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Oberer Sattelkopf (2.596 m) from the Komperdell

From the Komperdell top station (S201) head north on the broad trail to the signpost (S202). Ascending on the Quellenweg (Source Trail), through partly fen-like terrain, over pastures of the
Komperdellalpe to the Mittlerer Sattelkopf (S250) and then on trail no. 11 ascend steeply to the summit cross on the Oberer Sattelkopf (F110). Variant: descent via Gratsteig 23 (ridge trail) to the Fisser Joch.


sports Hiking & mountain tour
difficulty medium
distance 4.38 km
duration 3h
altitude 671m
highest point 2564m
start Komperdell top station
endpoint Oberer Sattelkopf
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