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Obladis via Faltriweg

As on trail no. 33. At the crossing with trail no. 2, go on the main trail straight ahead for a short bit, then at the serpentine, turn right (L001). Take the Ochsenleite trail (crossing of the Explorer's Trail) which leads to a flatter terrace of meadows. From here, go to the crossing in Edlachwald forest (F006a). Walk right down on trail no. 3 to the Villa (L016) and to Obladis (L065), while trail no. 34 leads slightly to the right up to the Schönegg (L020). The left trail no. 3 leads up to the Falterjöchl (F006, beautiful viewpoint spot) and further on to Fiss (F008).


sports Hiking & mountain tour
distance 3.77 km
duration 1.25h
altitude 301m
highest point 1454m
start Community hall at village centre
endpoint Obladis
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