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Rotpleiskopf (2,936 m) via Spinnseensteig

You reach the Oberen Spinnsee lake as descripted on trail no. 16. From the lake, go left up over the Steinkare to the Spinnscharte 2,681 m (F106a) and over a boulder ridge on a beautiful trail with short fixed rope route to the summit 2,936 m (S275). Descent is possible via Kübelgrubenscharte (S276) and the Urgjoch (S271) to the Komperdell (S103) 3 hours, or via Planskopf (S260) and the Gratweg trail back to the Fisser Joch (F087).


sports Hiking & mountain tour
difficulty hard
distance 7.01 km
duration 4h
altitude 956m
highest point 2936m
start Schönjochbahn top station
endpoint Rotpleiskopf
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