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Scheidtrail 7082

Rather short but by no means monotonous. The 2,3-km long Scheidtrail has everything a mountain biker could wish for.

The action starts between Lazid and Scheid, which is reached via the Komperdellbahn and a further transfer to the Lazidbahn. From the mountain station it is then about 600 m to the track. You constantly move at an altitude between 2.350 and 2.100 m – fascinating views of the mountain scenery are guaranteed at all times.

The “moderately difficult” track (red) invites advanced riders but should not scare off beginners. Through berms, rollers and various downslopes, which can be combined in different ways, everyone can find their own line and have a great time on the track: Whether you want to easily roll down and be amazed by the stunning panorama or tackle the run at high speed, both is possible on the Scheidtrail. After about 240 metres of descending, you coast smoothly alongside a creek back to the valley station of the Lazidbahn. 


sports Singletrail
difficulty medium
distance 2.3 km
highest point 2314m
start Lazid
endpoint Talboden Scheid
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