Waalsteig to the Kuh Alm Fiss
From the village (F010) take the Sägegasse up to just before the sawmill (F011), then turn left, where you immediately turn right into a field trail (F012). Walk on this trail over meadows; some are flat, some are ascending, up to the Waal (F123, ditch). This is where the connecting trail from the Sonnenbahn Ladis (F015) crosses the Waalweg trail. Following the stream, the trail turns soon into an ascent and continues beautifully between bushes and the ditch. Just before the Lahnewald forest, the Waalsteig trail crosses the vehicle track no. 9 (F119) to the Kuh Alm (F121) and on the trail no. 11 to the Möseralm (F113). At the last meadows, on the right, a shortcut on the ski slope (F120) through the forest leads to the Kuh Alm (F121).