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Waalweg to the Leithe Wirt

From the Komperdell mountain station (S104), the path descends along the signage of the Panorama Genussweg. At the Planseggbahn (S080, S081), the wide carriageway is left, and a stroller-friendly gravel path is followed until reaching a small bridge (S082). The path continues along the water channel (Waal) through the forest until it meets the wide carriageway No. 9 (S072). This path is followed either to Leithe Wirt (50 minutes) or directly back to Serfaus. A pleasant walk with enjoyment stations and numerous benches for resting.


sports Themed walks
distance 5.09 km
duration 1.5h
altitude 26m
highest point 1980m
start Komperdell top station
endpoint Serfaus
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